"" The Exhausted Mom: Kids Say the Darndest Things ~ Deflated Ego

November 14, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things ~ Deflated Ego

So my kids talk non-stop.  My husband says they get it from me.  I have NO IDEA what he is talking about...

Anyway, in all that talking, they sometimes come up with some stuff that really makes me laugh, angry...and sometimes cry.

On the weekends I like to dress down.  It's usually t-shirts, sneakers and ponytails.  "Little Ricky," being the lover that he is, looked at me and said, "Mommy, you look like a teenager instead of in your 30s."

I was beaming from the compliment.

Then "The Nag" said, "Yeah Mommy, you look like you're 40!"




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