"" The Exhausted Mom: In Need of a Magic Wand

August 14, 2012

In Need of a Magic Wand

Do you hear that sound?  
It's the collective groaning of all teachers everywhere.  
Summer is over. 

Time to set up the classroom.
Time to label desks, cubbies, books, EVERYTHING with the students' names.
Time to plan, prepare, and organize.

Time to get a Magic Wand......

I have SOOOO much to do.  My classroom is FULL of boxes all waiting to be unpacked.  I have labels to print, plans to write and a schedule to coordinate.  

And it all has to be done before a new flock of first graders come in to meet me for the first time....no pressure.  

Oh well, it will get done.  It always does.  
I will just have to set up the air mattress at the back of the room.... 

WISH ME LUCK!!  I will need that and a bit of magic!!



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