I tried Anti Mom Blog's recipe of cheesy quinoa. It was delish (even though I used the wrong kind of cheese)! I wanted ways that I can try to make this grain a part of weekly meals in my house, and still change it up.
I recently had a get together with the girls, and one of my friends made this YUMMY quinoa salad. Apparently this little grain can morph into whatever you want! So, I decided to replicate it and serve it to the Hubs. He loved it!
Easy Quinoa Salad
1 c quinoa
1 can black beans
1 small can of corn
1 tomato (chopped)
olive oil
Prepare the quinoa according to the package directions (mainly boil the quinoa in water for 15 mins.). Rinse the black beans and corn in water and add to cooked quinoa. Chop the tomato and add to quinoa. Add cilantro according to your taste. Drizzle with olive oil and salt to taste. Mix & enjoy!
I'm telling you, this is so yummy! You can add any veggies you want....next time we are going to try red onions, peppers, and fresh avocado. This salad is a great side dish for, well anything, or you can eat it alone. I think it's going to be my new go-to lunch for the school year!
How do you like to eat quinoa?
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